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TikTok is again the Chinese boogeyman to American lawmakers

Allow me to be bold for a few seconds. I feel that…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 5 Min Read

Microsoft is shutting down Android for Windows 11 next year

Three years ago, Microsoft had this radical idea. It saw what Apple…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 3 Min Read

HP finally did it! They’ve turned a printer into a subscription.

I loathe printers. I loathe them with the fiery passion of a…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 4 Min Read

Meta hands NSO another “L” in court

I have not been shy about how I feel about the State…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 3 Min Read

Microsoft wants to bridge the super resolution gap

When it comes to getting the best graphics performance out of games,…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 2 Min Read

Apple is supporting DIY repairs of M3 Macs

Apple has supported of (and recent backslid from) right to repair, it's…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 1 Min Read

Apple gives devs ability to disable Reactions by default in iOS 17.4

While it may not be what we wanted, Apple is at least…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 2 Min Read

Tech Talk ThursPlays: For the King II (02/29/2024)

The TTT Crew lept into some For the King II this week.…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 1 Min Read

Automattic isn’t protecting user choice when it comes to gAI

When it comes to what companies do with our data, I can't…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 4 Min Read

The Pentagon has been joining Israel in AI-assisted bombing

Israel has been stirring up a bunch of trouble lately. For over…

MajorLinux By MajorLinux 3 Min Read