Uber and Lyft can’t be bothered to pay Minneapolis drivers more

As an Uber driver, I feel disgusting.

MajorLinux - Editor-in-chief
Photo by Thought Catalog on Pexels.com

In yet another story of “passing the costs to the consumer”, Uber and Lyft have decided its more important to keep shareholders happy and fat instead of paying drivers a living wage. And, of course, as an Uber driver, I’m outraged by these decisions.

Paying drivers a fair rate

Minneapolis City Council had voted last week to guarantee ride share drivers fair pay. It’s aiming to pay a minimum of $1.40 per mile and 51 cents per minute while driving a rider. The measure was vetoed by the mayer only to be overturned by the city council. The ordinance will go into effect on May 1st.

However, this may not mean much. Both Uber and Lyft announced they are leaving the city in response to the ordinance. CJ Macklin, a spokesperson for Lyft, stated that the ordinance is “deeply flawed”.

We support a minimum earning standard for drivers, but it should be done in an honest way that keeps the service affordable for riders.”

Lyft spokesperson CJ Macklin

Uber echoed a similar asinine statement. Josh Gold, Uber’s spokesperson says it’s “disappointed the Council chose to ignore the data and kick Uber out of the Twin Cities.” He goes on to say that this will put 10,000 drivers out of work.

We know that by working together with all stakeholders — drivers, riders and state leaders — we can achieve comprehensive statewide legislation that guarantees drivers a fair minimum wage, protects their independence and keeps rideshare affordable.”

Uber spokesperson Josh Gold

These are deeply ludicrous statements from to giant corporations that can afford to pay its drivers more. It doesn’t make sense that they cannot manage to keep costs down for consumers while also paying a living wage to people who make the app work. I also feel like leaving a city would cost you more because something is more than nothing.

Minneapolis city council member Jamal Osman believes the same. He stated that the “vote showed Uber, Lyft, and the Mayor that the Minneapolis City Council will not allow the East African community, or any community, to be exploited for cheap labor.’

Drivers are human beings with families, and they deserve dignified minimum wages like all other workers.”

Minneapolis city council member Jamal Osman

Moves like this from companies like Uber and Lyft show how they value profits over people. Not only are they just removing ride sharing services from Minneapolis, they are also removing these services from those who use them for accessibility needs.

We really need to end capitalism before it ends us.

Source: The Verge

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Marcus Summers is a Linux system administrator by trade. He has been working with Linux for nearly 15 years and has become a fan of open source ideals. He self identifies as a socialist and believes that the world's information should be free for all.
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