(Update: They got it back) Microsoft employees will no longer have access to free Game Pass

Update (11/03/2023 20:00): So, it sounds like Phil Spencer didn't know what was going down. He has since spoken up…

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Arm looks like it wants more of the Raspberry Pi

While Raspberry Pi has been using their own chip designs as of late, they have always used Arm CPUs since…

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Ace Hardware cyberattack shutting down online orders

Currently, Ace Hardware is dealing from the devastating cyberattack over the weekend. People first learned from the outage on Sunday…

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COVID exposure notifications are being removed from Android

I guess the pandemic is truly over because Google has removed their exposure notifications from Android. Somebody took the WHO…

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Tech Talk Thursdays Episode #102 (11/02/2023)

Tech Gaming Streaming Hardware/Software Updates Please check out the shows live on Twitch, Thursday at 8:00pm ET! If there are…

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Max is thanking long-time subscribers by taking away 4K

In yet another story that seems to be coming out of topsy-turvy land, folks who have been subscribed to Max…

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Disney to assume full control of Hulu

In more company consolidation news, Disney announced that it will take the rest of Hulu off Comcast's plate. They will…

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The Starfield DLSS update is nearly in sight

When Starfield launched back in September, many PC gamers wondered where DLSS support was for the game. Many thought that…

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Netflix will reward you with one less ad if you stick to their platform

Given all the price hikes with subscription services, you switch to Netflix's ad plan. Netflix has heard your cries for…

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Apple Arcade is trying to justify its price increase with more games

So, you just had to pay more for Apple Arcade. You want to know what's behind the price increase. Well,…

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